Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I know lately I have been talking about dog movies, but Balto is the best of them all. Balto is a 1995 American animated historical adventure film directed by Simon Wells and produced by Amblimation. The film is based on a true story about the dog of the same name who helped save children from the diphtheria epidemic in the 1925 serum run to Nome. The live action portions of the film were filmed at Central Park. As a child I thought Balto was awesome always helping everyone out even though he was excluded from everything because he wasn't like the other dogs he was half wolf. I think the reason I love husky's is because they remind me of Balto. I also love the fact that it is based on a true story.  If you haven't seen this movie i strongly recommend that you get to it, you will be glad you watched it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


The movie Fluke is a really good movie about a workaholic Thomas Johnson who dies in an auto accident and comes back to life as a dog. Remembering some of who he was, he returns to his wife and son to protect them from the man who caused his accident. But, as time goes by, he remembers more of his life, and realizes he wasn't such a good husband and father. This movie is pretty touching as the now dead husband starts to realize that his wife deserves some one better. I really recommend you watch it if you haven't yet.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Old Yeller

Old Yeller; does the name sound familiar? If it does not then you need to go watch the movie. Old Yeller tells the story of a boy who found a dog and whose owner realizes that the boy's family needs it more then he does, therefore,  allows the boy to keep the dog in exchange for a good meal. Travis and Old Yeller become good friends and go on all types of errands together. In many occasions, Travis would find him self in a life threatening moment but Old Yeller would come to his rescue. This is a great movie if your a fan the friendship between owner and dog.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hot Shots! Part Deux

If you are a fan of comedy films you will love this movie. Hot Shots! is a "Rambo" parody in which Topper Harley leads a rescue team into Iraq to save Iraqi war prisoners and all of their previous rescue teams. The main role is played by Charlie Sheen who I personally think is awesome. This movie is funny as hell it almost made me pee myself its just one of does films in were your just like, what the heck really did that just happen? But yea you should watch it, its a good movie to watch to kill time and relax well not really because you will be laughing quite a bit that you wont be able  to relax but yea I recommend you watch it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bugs Life

A bug's life was my all time favorite movie, when I was young I would watch it almost every day because it was that awesome. A bug's life tells the story of a misfit ant, looking for "warriors" to save his colony from greedy grasshoppers, he recruits a group of bugs that turn out to be an inept circus troupe.As the story goes on the ant and his group of "warriors" have to face the mean grasshoppers and well ill just say its and interesting encounter. Also keep in mind that this movie was made form the creators of Toy Story, so if you love that movie then you will probably love this move as well. So what are you doing if you haven't watched it yet get to it, it's not going to play by itself!

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Walking Dead

Well I am a big fan of The Walking Dead. For those of you who haven't heard of The Walking Dead it is an awesome zombie show that comes out on AMC Its basically about a group of people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse by working together and trying to find hope in the midst of disaster. I was hooked on the first episode and have been watching it ever since but now the mid season finally of season 3 has come and may I say they did a very good job its such a cliff hanger will Daryl and his brother Merle be killed after they being reunited or will Rick and the gang come and save them in time so many questions and no answers I cant wait till February 10 which is when the show airs again.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Longest Yard

Today as I was talking to some friends of football i brought up a great movie and asked them if they had seen it and to my surprise they said they hadn't. I obviously told them what they were missing out on and made them go home and watch it. The Longest Yard is a 2005 American sports comedy film remake of the 1974 film of the same name. Adam Sandler plays the protagonist, Paul Crewe, a disgraced former professional football quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the NFL, who is forced to form a team from the prison inmates to play football against their guards. And well as you know any movie Adam Sandler is in is bound to be a good movie. I absolutely loved the movie. So If you love football and comedy I recommend you watch The Longest Yard if you haven't seen it yet.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Transformers 4

If your a fan of Transformers I am sure that you have probably already heard of the changes occurring in Transformers 4. I personally took it as a bad news when I heard that Shia LaBeouf was dropping the role of Sam Witwicky because that just meant that I would have to get use to another actor. Shia had grown into me but as I found out that Mark Wahlberg was taking the role of Sam, I thought to myself what did I like about
Transformers and I came to the conclusion that I liked the action so by Mark taking the role it just means that I can expect even more action in Transformers. I personally can not wait until 2014 which is the year Transformers 4 hits the big screen.